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MOTION Magazine Edition V - out now!

We’d like to present our latest Edition of our MOTION Magazine to you: Edition V serves as our next chapter bringing you stories about a cleaner, smarter, and more sustainable future in mobility. And with this Edition, we created a first as we publish our lifestyle magazine in both: English and German languages. Sounds familiar to you:? Well we tested such a dual-language version in our Edition Zero a few years back, but until now, we weren't sure about it. As much as we are proud about our latest Edition now, we are keen to understand, how you like it. Here is a short intro into some of the topics we have chosen.
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Some Stats on Mobility and Transportation at the Olympics in Paris

The Olympic Games are always an impressive event with challenges for the host city, its inhabitants but also for all those who come from outside to experience the various sports, ceremonies or simply the Olympic atmosphere. This year, approximately 15 Million visitors are expected in Paris, of these more than 1.2 Million international visitors. Needless to say, that such a huge event poses some serious challenges to the mobility and transportation officials of the host city.
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A New Charging Experience - Our Interview with Gerold Wolfarth from bk Group

Dear Gerold, many thanks for your time today to speak about a crucial element for the future adaptation of electric mobility: the charging experience. As the CEO of bk World, your insights and leadership in the sustainable energy and electric vehicle charging sectors are highly regarded. We are particularly interested in learning more about the innovative practices and strategic vision that drive bk World’s success. Let us dive right into it.
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Paris Olympics - Urban Revolution for Tomorrow

With the Olympic Games in Paris coming up at the end of July, MOTION Magazine took a deep dive into the key question for all urban centers that are brave enough to host a global event like that: What does it take for a host city or region to benefit sustainably from the Olympic Games in terms of infrastructure and from a socio-cultural viewpoint? Two games and cities - "host cities'' - will serve as examples in finding an answer to this question: Munich 1972 and Barcelona 1992. What made these games so special (and particularly sustainable), and where do great opportunities lie for Paris? Here is my attempt at an answer.
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