The Women Driving the EV Revolution - Part 2

We proudly present the second part of our series on female global EV movers here on MOTION. This is a list of the fascinating women that help accelerate smart and sustainable mobility around the world. Today we celebrate these entrepreneurs from Israel, Europe and the US - they are outstanding talents in an ever increasing global initiative in taking mobility to the next level.

Presenter & Strategic Advisor

The best way to get people to use less gasoline is to give them more compelling options to use none, by replacing fossil fuels with electrons in all types of vehicles. I am persistently inspired by the community of EV users and the champions within companies, organizations, and governments working globally to make the movement of people and goods cleaner, safer, and more accessible. It is absolutely the best sort of renewable energy.

World Resources Institute, Global Senior Manager EVs

Transportation is one of the leading sources of global greenhouse gas emissions today. EVs represent an opportunity to hit the ‘reset’ button on our current approach to mobility and the sustainability of our fuel choices. Not only can we reduce the carbon intensity of our transportation systems, but we can take advantage of co-benefits that allow transportation to be more equitable, safer, and affordable, while reducing local air pollution and traffic congestion.

Global Business Development Manager Data, Smart Cities, and Mobility Bridgestone EMIA -Amsterdam

A few years ago, I drove my first electric car. I instantly fell in love with EV’s. However, as exciting as it was, I still was anxious when traveling from location A to B with only 150 kilometers left. Now, it has become part of my lifestyle. It changed my behavior and perspective on cars. The EV transition is not about high-end cars and corporate fleets. To me, it’s about embracing diversity in EV. The sector is known for being male-dominated. Different perspectives from people of all races, genders, and nationalities will enrich the industry. Being part of this diverse group, as a woman of color, I can bring change too. Being involved in this shift empowers me and other women to be part of diversifying the industry. Change requires perspectives of people who are not all alike.

Executive Advisor at EcoMotion, Founder at Women in Mobility, Israel

I feel blessed for being part of this revolution, from founding an electric motorcycle company where I helped remove petrol two-wheelers on the roads to clean electric mobility to my role in the past 4 years of facilitating platforms for all electric mobility players to interact & create synergies for creation of future EVs. Excited to see what comes next!

Coordinator CO2, Sustainability & E-mobility Europe, AUDI AG

It is my passion to inspire everyone to be part of the movement towards sustainable mobility. Since I am riding an e-cargo bike I realized: e-mobility goes beyond cars. It’s our family vehicle –for almost everything in our daily life in Munich, carrying our child, bulk groceries etc. The perks it brings in terms of parking, availability, speed, and ease of use brings a maximum of convenience to my life.

CEO/Founder, movmi Shared Transportation Services, Vancouver

The electrification of our transportation is well under way with governments subsidizing and incentivizing EV sales, putting charging infrastructure in place and promoting zero emission vehicles. And that’s great news for our emission and noise problems in cities. Yet, we also need to shift from ownership to shared mobility if we want to tackle congestion, economic disparities and use the limited resources more efficiently. I’ve spent the past 10 years at this intersection, have been part of introducing the first electric moped share in the US, helped numerous small scale EV carshare and helped bring electric velomobiles to market. What excites me most about all of these projects is the behaviour shift of entire communities without losing access to opportunities.

Head of Sustainability, Polestar

We know that EV’s offer a route to climate-neutral mobility, but they are not clean or 100% sustainable as they are produced today. At Polestar we want to change that. We focus on climate and circularity but also transparency and inclusion, which we see are key drivers to enable that.
A big driver for me personally is to utilize the potential businesses have to impact how we progress as a society, and to keep growing as a human and learning new things. My mind keeps focusing on what needs to be done. I want to be around when we reach net zero on carbon emissions globally, when extreme poverty is eradicated, when we no longer have gender pay gaps. The big ones.

Founder & IP Attorney, Rovilus

Batteries are the heart of EVs. I am excited to see more players in this industry, particularly those focusing on the development of safer and lighter batteries capable of delivering high performance. There is a need for batteries to catch up to the consumers' requirements to deliver faster charging and higher power, and it brings me great joy to be in this space where we can accelerate EV adoption by improving battery technology.